STM Rock Breakers

(1) Netherlands

Saes International B.V
Lozerweg 10
6006 SR Weert

(2) Spain

Avenida de Lugo 75
33401 Avilés, Asturias

(3) Ireland

Glenderry, Listowel, Co. Kerry

(4) Lissoboa

Carrer Salvador 4312
6006 SR Lissabon

Become a dealer

As a STM dealer, you’ll be putting your business name next to a world leader in the rock breaking industry. Admired for its legendary quality, service and warranty.

Partner with one of the leading Rock Breaker manufacturers in the world.

What you need?
If you have a passion for Rock Breakers and are ready to invest, this is your perfect opportunity to join the growing STM network.